Monday, October 6, 2008

A day of REST~

So, as you probably know, Sunday is biblically to be the "day of rest". It's set aside from reading the bible, catching up on sleep, going to church, etc, etc.

Near every Sunday we *attempt* to get up and go to the late service at church. Now, take into consideration, that what my mom has, and what I have, are all auto-immune diseases, affected by changes in just about everything, including the weather. Not trying to make excuses, but generally speaking, we attempt to get up starting 7am, press snooze, and repeat until we miss church. That aside, onto the story...

So, today, we managed to get up, slowly got ready, and I even brushed my teeth (yet another story for another day)! Sam decides he's too sick to go, and not ready to pick a fight, my mom gives in, though we know good and well he could and should go. My father of course, jumped at the excuse not to go, though even if Sam wanted to go, he wouldn't have. He'd rather go to a Messianic synagogue (not that he's Jewish) and put on a show for everyone....oops, I was attempting to post a non-judgmental, godly blog, but darn it, he just makes it so hard sometimes!

ANYWAYS, we get there, and are swarmed by a hungry pack of church-goers! LOL, okay, so everyone came up to greet us with hugs and punches *er, pats* on the back. We greeted everyone, listened to the sermon and sang some songs. My hands were burning the entire time (they were actually very hot to the touch, and red as well), but we got through it and at the end the pastor asked me to come up and say the....umm...what do you call it? Well, I came up to the front and said "Go in peace, serve the Lord" and everyone else said "Thanks be to God". Which to me is kinda odd, because it's like saying, "You are released" (like you've been in prison and are like "be good now!") and saying "woohoo! thank you Lord! we can leave now!!! YEAH!" Anyways, basically I was the celebrity of the day.

I was about to pass out once we left the sanctuary, and didn't stay to chat long. Just went home, my mom with tears in her eyes. I got home, and took the term "day of rest" litterally...I slept until 6pm, and boy did it feel good! Even if you agnostic, athiest, or just a "Sunday morning Christian", you have to's a pretty neat commandment to be told to go home and take the day off!

My mom was busy working, my brother playing, my dad, well, being my dad, but I, well, I had my first "day of rest" in a long time.

I thought this would make a good blog, but once I have to explain the backgrounds of everything (like how our diseases have to do with getting up in the morning), it kind of changes the whole jift of things =( Oh well, whatever floats my boat I guess! =p I was also going to write more, but I think I'll go do more of that "resting" stuff...I like Sundays!!!


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Thanks for all your comments on my blog! I appreciate it! :) I also wrote about tropic thunder here and then again here. It's a horrible movie and I will never again watch a Ben Stiller movie. They all make me sick!

I had never heard of the Special Olympics song... and I don't think I'll go searching for it. It would just make me furious and it's WAY too early in the morning for that! HA!

I'm glad to get to "know" you!

Proud Momma of 3 said...


Thanks for offering to help spread the word about 'Sierra's Stocking.' I would definitely love the help. I have to work out some details but as soon as I do...definitely spread the word.

Thanks so much & God bless,

Mary Lynn