Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ever been so worried and disappointed about the next day/what you have to do the next day, that you just don't want to go to bed? That it just seems if you fit more stuff you want to do in today that it won't be as bad (though you know you'll just be more tired and make things worse)? Tonight is one of those nights. I have to have a semester done in about a week because I'm so behind due to appointments, being sick/etc. I know that tomorrow I'll go to church and then have to work all day, non-stop. I know I should pray about it and trust that things will all work out, but right now...well, I just don't want to! I'm like a little two year old refusing to take her nap, when I know I have too. I afraid! I'm a control freak and don't want to loose control, for fear I'll loose all control and mess everything up.

Does anyone have some encouraging scripture that can help me? (And please, don't send me one that says "just do it" conscious is already telling me that.)
I want a promise...and I want to know that promise will be kept, not another broken promise like I've dealt with so many times with my father.

I've got to go or my mom will kill me for being up! Goodnight!



Zack said...

Been there....wish I knew the right scripture, it would really be helpful, right? I wonder why it is that when we stress out and NEED to get stuff accomplished it suddenly becomes nap makes me regret every nap I resisted when I was little....LOL
