I have cat hair under the keys of my laptop (one of the cat's favorite seats), so I was fishing it out of the keys today...
Mom: Alex, pick those toothpicks up off the bed! The last thing I want is to have toothpicks under the sheets tonight poking me and have to pull apart the bed again!
Alex: I am!
Alex: Um, mom, speaking of toothpicks... *points down to foot, with toothpick sticking out of it*
Mom: At least it wasn't me!!!
YES, I picked up the toothpicks, but I did a lot of moving around on the bed, so they came out of their neat little pile. Anyways, moral of the story: never set toothpicks down on your bed! (And having a thick-skinned foot doesn't hurt either!)
Have a great day!!!
Have a great day!!!
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