Sometimes I find it hard to talk to people about my ideals, the person I want to be, and how I plan on raising my children when I grow up with my family, friends, and yes, the internet. The main reason is because I don't want people thinking I look down on them because they don't agree with what I'm saying.
I am a Christian, and radically conservative at times in how I want to live my life, and want to raise my children when I have them. But just because of that, it doesn't mean I look down on those who don't feel the same. Just because I choose abstinence until I marry my prince charming doesn't mean I am judgmental to those who didn't or won't do the same. They're people, too. They may not agree with everything I say, think, or do, and they may have made some choices they shouldn't have made or regret making, but they did. It's done. It's over with. It's the is today!
I don't plan on my kids watching much television, and what they do watch, I plan on choosing and watching with them. My little brother disagrees. Do I still love him? Of course I do! I would do anything and everything for him, whether his kids will someday watch TV or not!
I don't want to sheild my kids from the world, but I want them to understand that they don't have to be the world. It's okay, and a good thing, to not have sex until they're married. It's okay, and a good thing, not to "swear like a sailor". It's okay, and a good thing, to pray, to respect your elders, to love one another, to read the bible, and to go to church.
But does that mean I think someone's a bad person if their kids watch TV, if they "swear like a sailor", if they have sex before they're married, if they don't go to church? Would I dis-own my children if they did those things? No!
I don't consider myself "high and mighty", or above others. But at the same time, I want to be able to share the person I want to be. I want to be able to encourage others to want to be like who I want to be, but I respect that if you don't. And I want people to know not to let those things stop you from getting to know people
Debating isn't a bad thing! It's perfectly fine to disagree! I know many people who I have "agreed to disagree" with. But please, don't make others feel like an outcast because they have different views than you. Please, let's just all be friends, okay?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?...."
Seriously awesome...I feel THE SAME WAY about everything, truly everything. I also do not judge, or care to be judged and I choose to use my vocabulary not "easy" 4 letter words..LOL...I do get more relaxed concerning music, but who knows when I have my own kiddos to worry about!
I am also radically conservative..I enjoy a good debate and strive to listen without prejudice to the opposing side and in the end remain friends and agree to disagree. Being an American is so awesome, because we can do that without being persecuted (thank you Military!)...
Hair is still pink, huh? Well, hee hee, that is kinda funny! I have such wierd hair, not brown, not red, but both, oh and a bit of blonde...I dare not mess with it, it could be disasterous!!!
Your loyal reader and friend..
Peace, Love & Platelets
Yes, I get overwhelmed lately....sometimes seeing all these sweet kids battling and winning (either way) can just take a toll and I have to step back also...
I would be honored to be friends. Thanks for your wonderful comment on my blog. How did you find it? Hopefully your parents won't mind you reading it. :) Take care of yourself and don't let anyone ever tell you that dreams don't come true! You are my inspiration whenyou say you want 20 kids! Amazing!
I found your blog a couple different ways, actually. I saw you on the blog-roll of a couple different people, and then today when I saw you on yet another I went, "Wow! All my favorite blogs love this blog, so maybe I'll click the link!" and I did! =p I believe I was at when I decided to click on your link.
No, my parents don't mind. I was actually just telling my mom about your blog and what an awesome family you have! My mom knows that I use good judgment on what's best for me to skip over and what not to. When I was younger (and even now) and my mom was asked by someone about how she disciplined me, she would reply that she didn't have to- my guilty conscious would do it for her! =P
I also want to prove any doubters wrong and give birth to a child...with my prince charming of course! What an amazing thing it must be to have a little person growing inside of you (and that point is usually when I'm told I must be much older than I say!)
When people go through tough things at a young age, they have new knowledge of the world around them...and they can choose to try to forget it, or they can just face it, that they will never be the same, and make a difference. So maybe I haven't really had the "ideal childhood", but that doesn't matter now. It's over, and I just have to go on with my life the way it is. And knowing how many children suffer from so many different things, and the problems in the world, I choose to make a difference. And anyways, in my eyes Heaven is the ultimate "childhood"...and I'll have all eternity to soak it up! It really makes the hard times of being ME in a world of suffering and sin, seem a whole lot easier to's like running a dash; for a short length you give it all you've got, and when you get through, you get your prize of a perfect eternity, and boy that race seems a whole lot easier! (for lack of better similes)
Sorry this turned out so long! I've been holding back the blogs due to not really having anybody reading them, so my comments tend to turn out quite long when I do get them!
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