Sunday, November 16, 2008


You may or may not know a little girl by the name of Taylor Warren who is battling leukemia. Surfing YouTube today I discovered someone had posted an attack against her and her family.

This "woman" (and I use that term lightly) posted an attack at her family titled "Taylor Warren - Battle Against Junk Food", and started the video by saying "Please don't feed your children like this!" and showing COPYRIGHTED photos of Taylor. Her family has made it clear by the no-right click & display of the photos that they are not to be taken. She says she does not mean to single her out, yet she is posting pictures she shouldn't even have, basically going "ooh! Look what she's being fed! Now she has cancer and they're still harming her!" If you've had a child with cancer, you know what a blessing it is for them to be able to eat anything at all!

Please, join me and help get this monster off youtube!!!

CLICK HERE to watch the video

Click "FLAG", then in the drop down menu, mouse over "Hateful or Abusive Content" and then "bullying". I have attempted to alert the family and hopefully they will report the copyright infringement, and with your help we should be able to get this "woman" of of youtube and away from precious Taylor!

I will add a "Mr Linky" to this as soon as I can. When I do, if you've posted on your blog/myspace/etc about this, please add the link to it here (that way not only are you helping, but you will hopefully get some extra views, too!)