I've been tagged by "Warrior on the Outside, Pirate on the Inside!" aka the update page for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia warrior Owain and his lovely mom =)
The Rules:
*Link to the person who tagged you.
*Share 7 random/weird facts about you.
*Tag 7 people at the end of the post, and include links to their blogs.
~I know what I'm getting for Christmas because I ordered my presents! My mom isn't very computer-savvy (if you don't use it ya lose it!) so she let me order the items that had to be ordered online
~I have two dolls and lots of stuffed animals. Hey, they make me happy, so who's to say I'm too old for it! One is an American Girl I got from my grandma, and one is a "Sew Able" doll which I was given by a wonderful lady named Marianne. The dolls head is bald (there are two types of them, prosthetics, and cancer, and I have the cancer one) and I have a wheelchair for her, too.
~I collect Coca-Cola memorabilia and other vintage finds, as well as cool pins
~I love sewing and want to learn to knit
~I really miss my hair, and sometimes still reach my hand up to twirl it, only to find it's not there.
~Sometimes people think I have cancer (between the short-short hair, taking methotrexate, and having to wear germ masks frequently, it happens, and embarrasses me because I have it easy compared to kids with cancer)
~I can't read music whatsoever, but can sound out most songs on the piano and memorize them (right now I'm working on Silent Night, What Child is This?, The Little Drummer Boy, and a few others)
I just noticed that I forgot to tag 7 people! Duh!
Okay, so I'll tag....hmmm, well, I'm only going to tag one person, but if you'd like to do this, have at it! I tag
Zack Please keep him in your prayers, he's in a lot of pain and they're not sure why.
Alex I will let you in on a little secret I played with dolls until I was fourteen! Of course none of my friends new. I don't know who made it so it's just not cool to play with dolls when you hit such an age. on this subject is I think most of my friend probably secretly played with dolls too!!
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