Friday, December 26, 2008

I Slept ALL DAY (literally) // The True Meaning of Christmas

I'm not kidding. I went to sleep last night, and woke up a few minutes before 6PM. So, literally, I slept all day. Ah, the joys of an auto-immune disease after Christmas!

After I woke up, I watched Wall.E with my family. No screaming, yelling, fighting, or emotional abuse from my father, either. He got that stuff out of the way later than a minute after we were up.
Nice, huh? But all in all, it was a nice day.

Wall.E- Officially one of my favorite movies. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you do!

Now my mom, Sam, and my father are watching The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. The reason I'm not watching it, is that I'm just too worn out. Yes, after sleeping ALL DAY, two hours sitting in my wheelchair had me worn out. But I don't mind, really. It felt good to sleep, and I'm content watching House with my cat on my lap and typing an update.


I think this is the first year that I truly understood the meaning of Christmas. GOD, the Creator of the universe, sent His son, a part of Himself, to earth, born of a poor, young virgin, in a place made for animals, to experience pain and suffering, and then died on the cross, for us. And not only did He die physically, but spiritually, too. For three days He suffered the fury of hell, and rose again, to form a New Covenant, that we may have true life! That we may be forgiven of our sins, and be welcomed into Heaven when our mortal bodies die, to live eternally with the One who is God, the one who is true, pure, agape Love, the Great I am...and great He is! And what must we do in return? Nothing, except accept His gift of Love.

Christmas is a celebration of the sending of God's son to earth...the King, born a poor child, in a lowly manger...t0 live and die, for us.