Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Do you use the "'r' word"? Think its use is okay?

This post contains swearing and is very upsetting, especially those who know or care for a child diagnosed with mental retardation.

If you think that use of words such as "retarded" used as an insult is no problem, innocent humor, or un-offensive???

If you said "yes", let me tell you right now- You're dead wrong.

If you're still not convinced...

Here are just a few more IGNORANT and cruel comments I've found on the internet regarding the word "retarded" and boycotting "Tropic Thunder". Please note that some these comments contain swearing.

"I mean, if a person is that stupid, no one should care about them in the first place.."
"How can you not like the word retard when its what you are"
"At the end of the day, the only people who made a big deal about this were the people running the protest... who pretty much told the retarded people it was offensive. I wouldn't have minded if they had come to that conclusion themselves and protested, but this was just some jackasses trying to get publicity."
"They are all just mad cause they are retarded duh!"
"abort retarded babies"
"What we, the Non-Retards need to do, is go on a protest against the retards and their parents. WHY you ask? Our protest woudl be that 'We are sick of seeying your ugly ass retarded children when we go out.'"
"now after this boycott shit, I just wanna hang every fucking retard I see. So ask yourself...'DO RETARDS HAVE SOULS?' the answer is "NO" and they also don't have brains. BURN IN HELL RETARDS!"

Ways to join the fight against the "R Word"-

Watch and pass along these videos-

Add this button to your blog-

Click here to get the code

Don't allow your children to use the R Word. If you hear someone say it in the grocery store, tell them how it makes you feel- some people genuinely don't realize how hurtful it is. Tell your friends the same. Put a sign on your door telling all who enter your doors that the R Word is not allowed in your home, and enforce that rule the same as you would if they walked up to someone and called them "bastard".

Q- What about "freedom of speech"???
A-I am all for freedom of speech. But then again I also think people should also take advantage of the freedom to not use hate-speech, watch or associate themselves with those who use it.
Q- Why are you giving these people attention? That's what they want, isn't it?
A- I give these people attention because people need to be aware what a problem this is. I want to encourage people to boycott movies like Tropic Thunder...if they don't make money off of the movie, they'll stop making them. I don't think it should be "banned", but I think parents need to be teaching their children not to use retarded as an insult, whether they're trying to be hurtful or not, and people need to know it's not funny, it's not innocent humor, it's just cruel and extremely ignorant.
Q- What's the line between "retardation" and "the R Word"
A- Redardation is a medical term. The "R Word" is the word "retardation", "retard", or "retarded" used as an insult, including when it's in a joking way (You look so retarded, bro!)

The R-word is never okay to say.


Jennifer @ said...

Thanks for speaking out against the 'r' word. You're a dear soul! Also, it would be cool if you wrote about the bottled water thing that you left on my blog, and then linked to Robert Hrubek's Generosity of Others post. You really have a way with words, girl!

Chloe said...

That was a great post.
I think most people I know use this word out of ignorance not realising quite how offensive it is, but saying these words to people with disabilties and producing the products you pictured is just plain hatred.
Also,thanks for putting the link to button, as I posted about this yesterday and would have liked to add one, but sadly it doesn't seem to be working at the moment.

Kristen said...

What an amazing post! Thank you very much for speaking out against the 'r' word.