Sometimes all a person like I
Can do on a day like this is sigh
-Alexandra Mikaela (Me =0) from the poem "Sigh"
So I didn't have a bad day, but I'm left with all these feelings, like a wound, needing to be tended tenderly. It's just so many different emotions, and I don't know how to address them whatsoever. For the first time in a long time, I feel like my mom isn't hearing me. I know she loves me, but I feel like I'm talking to a wall lately. She wants to hear, but for some reason doesn't notice the big 'ole stack of bricks in between us. But I got a message from someone today that really made me feel good. I am on the right path, and things will pay off. I just have to be patient...(Patient?! I'm A.D.D, dang it!) Prayers are always welcome...Lord knows this family needs them!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Labels: poetry, ugh moments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
You Know You're a "Smiles and Trials" Groupie When...
- You wake up at 2am and think to yourself, "Oh, no! I didn't check on the Reeds today!"
- You can name all 11 of the Reed children
- You have gone through all of the Smiles and Trials archives
- You can name all 11 of the Reed children AND put the faces to the names!
- You go to the store and see a Hannah Montana barbie and think to yourself, "It's Anna Montana!"
- Every time you see a Groovy Girls pet, you immediately think of Sveta and Zha-Zha
- Every time you see a llama you start to giggle
- As sitting down for dinner, your husband asks, "So, what'd Christine cook up today?
- When someone is having problems with their children, rather than referring them to a parenting book, you refer them to the Reeds
Okay, so not ALL of these have happened, but the ones in bold have!
I may add more later, but I just had to share! I guess you could call me a Smiles and Trials groupie!
Thanks to the Reeds for "keeping it real"! You are an inspiration! I know I'm not the only person who's been helped by Christine's blog, and I speak for many when I say, THANK YOU!!!
Here's a big "hurrah!" (yes, I actually say that!) to-
Labels: Fun Stuff
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
To Love You - A Wordless Wordful Wednessday
Precious Child.
I see your face
looking back at me
In the pictures I see,
And I want to
Hold you,
hold you
And I need to
Love you, love you.
Precious Child.
I want to
take away your pain,
And I want to hold you,
hold you
And I need to love you,
love you.
Do you know
The tears that fall?
How I want to make things
How I need to
Love you,
Precious Child
Copyright Alexandra Mikaela 2008 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (seriously!)
Who've captured my heart
Who hurt,
or who are hurting
That I want to take in,
and hold, and love.
To the children who are voiceless
Who I fight to give a voice
To the children who lived
Or who are living
Without love.
To the children who are loved
But love cannot help,
Only the Love which is God
And the miracles
He performs
To the children
I want to give the world
And love.
Today we pick my big brother up from the airport! This Thanks-Giving he will have someone to spend it with, and will be surrounded by people who love him. Welcome to Albuquerque, Brian!
This Thanks-Giving I'm thankful for everyone. For the voiceless, for the lonely, for those who you don't hear about every day, for the precious children of God who sometimes feel worthless, but to me, mean the world. You are children of God, and, if only by He and I, are loved. So happy Thanks-Giving to everyone. To the every-day people, who make every day special.
Labels: encouragement/inspiration, poetry
Monday, November 24, 2008
The aftermath
I'm depressed, and confused, and heartbroken. I keep up with a lot of kids, and every time one passes it hurts. But every once in awhile, one hits me really hard. Ella stole my heart. And the way I found out yesterday made it even worse. I feel like such a complainer, too, because if I'm hurting like this, I can't imagine how much her family is hurting. I thank God that I've never felt that, and hopefully never will, but at the same time I know that even though my pain is much, much less, it is still pain and I have a right to feel it. Fly high princess. You are always loved and will be missed, until that glorious day we are called home.
DIPG Treatments & More
I'm extremely shaken over Ella's passing, and needed to do something constructive.
It is a common misconception that there is nothing that can be done for a DIPG patient, and it is simply not true. Here are some treatments out there for DIPG patients*-
~Chemo & Radiation can prolong the life of a child with DIPG and to an extent, shrink the tumor
~Antineoplaston treatment @ the Burzynski Clinic in TX - - 6 DIPG children have been confirmed cancer free for at least 5 years
~Envita - In many DIPG patients, envita improved quality of life and extended their lives
~Nimotuzumab -
To my understanding, antineoplaston treatment & envita are not covered by any insurance companies, though they seem to be getting results and have very minimal side effects
*Please note that I cannot guarantee the accuracy (or lack there of) listed here.
Labels: awareness, in the news
Sunday, November 23, 2008
What are you trying to tell me???
Today I'm sitting at my computer, on C.O.A.L.s Foundation, going through names & CB (CaringBridge) sites, and it's like all the names just scroll by, but one is just jumping at me. I keep scrolling. I stop. Something's telling me to scroll back up. I can almost here it in my head "Stop- Go back - Haley Jones*- her name is Haley Jones*". So I scroll back up...there it is, Haley Jones*. I click her link. I find out she has DIPG. Same as Ella, and the numerous other children I've recently (but not intentionally) discovered. Now, this is totally terminal** and a rare childhood cancer (and childhood cancer in general is considered rare). Yet this is the fifth or sixth child I've found with it in the last month. I start falling in love with Haley. And then, I look down to the most resent journal entries...Haley died more than eight months ago. The introduction hadn't been updated. Call me crazy, but I really feel God had a hand in this, I just don't know why.
Lord, before this month I've only heard of one child with a DIPG tumor. Now everywhere I go, you are sending me stories of children with this tumor. What am I supposed to do? What message are you trying to send me? I feel you're trying to tell me something, but I don't know what it is! Do I donate to a certain foundation? Do I read more about this? Jesus, guide me. Tell me what it is you want me to do. I'll listen. I may be reluctant, but I'll listen in the end. I'm so confused. Haley died months ago...she is a precious child with an amazing story, but why did you show me her story? Why was I able to read her name while quickly scrolling through pages, but no one elses? You are showing me these children, all with one thing in common- a deadly tumor. Where do I go from here?
*Child's name changed
**There are VERY few (I've heard there are 7 confirmed 5 year survivors, there may be more) survivors, if any. You can never reall get a solid dx because the location prevents it from being biopsied. It is possible the few survivors did not in fact have DIPG, but something else. Possible, but unlikely. No one really knows.
I will be posting more about DIPGs, as I don't believe anything is a coincidence and maybe I can help someone out there.
Peace, love,
F.R.O.G! (Fully rely on God!)
OR as Zack would say,
"Peace, Love, PLATELETS!" LOL
UPDATE- I just went to check on Ella. She passed away. Yesterday, 9:45 pm. One of her last requests was McDonalds, which she could not eat. But heaven is even better than McDonalds. I just have to trust that. I have to trust God that she is being taken care of and loved.
I can't believe this...I just can't!
Ella's CaringBridge
Labels: Ella Hope
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Check out this give away from MckMamma!
Today Renee (and her husband deployed husband Frank, daughters Kennedy, who has Down Syndrome & bravely battled leukemia, Kassidy who is 9 years old, and her sons Kameron, age 7, and Keeghan, who is a year old) from Life With My Special Ks introduced me to MckMamma (and her husband Prince Charming, precious MckKids, Big Mac, MckNugget, Small Fry, & MckMuffin, aka MckMiracle) and her blog My Charming Kids and the contest she's holding.
As you probably know, I LOVE photography. It is my therapy, it is my way of looking for the good in life, and documenting the bad, so that people can become aware of the problems in this world and help be a part of solving them. So when I heard that part of the prize was camera lenses for whatever camera you have, I freaked out! How cool would that be? Think of how much that could improve my non-profit photography project,Memories and Miracles Photography! And get this- all you have to do is check out, post a comment, and post about it in your blog!
Labels: Fun Stuff
Monday, November 17, 2008
I was reading a post in one of Christine's blogs, Smiles and Trials, and it inspired me to post an entry here in my own blog. A pretty unrelated entry, but an entry none-the-less. Here is an excerpt from her post and the comment I left.
So even when my computer is crashing, and my day is going askew, there's always a little giggle to be found, and some fresh "toast"!
Labels: encouragement/inspiration, Fun Stuff, poetry
Sunday, November 16, 2008
You may or may not know a little girl by the name of Taylor Warren who is battling leukemia. Surfing YouTube today I discovered someone had posted an attack against her and her family.
This "woman" (and I use that term lightly) posted an attack at her family titled "Taylor Warren - Battle Against Junk Food", and started the video by saying "Please don't feed your children like this!" and showing COPYRIGHTED photos of Taylor. Her family has made it clear by the no-right click & display of the photos that they are not to be taken. She says she does not mean to single her out, yet she is posting pictures she shouldn't even have, basically going "ooh! Look what she's being fed! Now she has cancer and they're still harming her!" If you've had a child with cancer, you know what a blessing it is for them to be able to eat anything at all!
Please, join me and help get this monster off youtube!!!
CLICK HERE to watch the video
Click "FLAG", then in the drop down menu, mouse over "Hateful or Abusive Content" and then "bullying". I have attempted to alert the family and hopefully they will report the copyright infringement, and with your help we should be able to get this "woman" of of youtube and away from precious Taylor!
I will add a "Mr Linky" to this as soon as I can. When I do, if you've posted on your blog/myspace/etc about this, please add the link to it here (that way not only are you helping, but you will hopefully get some extra views, too!)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Then Sings My Soul Saturday - Rush
*Phew* I managed to click "new post" at 11:59pm---- just in the nick of time! ("nick of time"? How do you spell the nick anyways? Is it "nitch?" "nic?") So even though it's not posted on Saturday, technically it still counts, right?
This song probably means something different to you, but to me it is very symbolic of something you might not expect. I'll explain after I paste the lyrics
by Aly & AJ
Into your head, into your mind
out of your soul, race through your veins
You can't escape, you can't escape.
Into your life, into your dreams,
Out of the dark, sunlight again.
You can't explain, you can't explain.
Can You feel it, can you feel it,
Rushin' through your hair,
Rushin' through your head,
Can you feel it, can you feel it,
Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over,
Be every color that you are,
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how,
Know it all before you try.
Pulling you in, spinning you 'round,
Lifting your feet right off the ground,
You can't believe it's happening now.
Can You feel it, can you feel it,
Rushin' through your hair,
Rushin' through your head,
Can you feel it, can you feel it,
Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over,
Be every color that you are,
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how,
Know it all before you try.
It takes you to another place,
imagine everything you can.
All the colors start to blend,
Your system overloads again.
Can You feel it?
Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over,
Be every color that you are,
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how,
Know it all before you try.
Don't let nobody tell you,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Don't let nobody tell you,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over,
Be every color that you are,
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how,
Know it all before you try
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
To me, this song symbolizes a period in time after the diagnoses of a serious disease. Here is how I see it-
Into your head, into your mind - suddenly everything in your life is turned upside down. It's hard to think about anything else. From one appointment to the other, handfulls of pills, pokes, prods, scans, like a ball in a pin ball machine.
You can't escape, you can't escape -at first, you just want to run away. How can this be happening? Why me? How can I be healthy, happy, living my life and then the next I'm pulled into this mess! I want it back like it was!
Into your life, into your dreams,
Out of the dark, sunlight again.
You can't explain, you can't explain. -But one day it hits you, that you have to sink or swim. As Lance Armstrong said, "You have two choices, physically and emotionally. Give up, or fight like hell". Are you going to live in self pity, let the fear consume you, or just pretend it isn't happening, or are you going to kick ass? (pardon my french) You realize you may never know why you're sick, why it happened to you, and that's irrevelant. The point is you do have it, and if you let it, it will kill you. So you've made up your mind- no matter what happens, you are going to fight to the finish!
Can You feel it, can you feel it,
Rushin' through your hair,
Rushin' through your head,
Can you feel it, can you feel it, -you're in control again, you're pumped up! You CAN do this! You WILL win!
Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over,
Be every color that you are, -Don't give up, don't let anyone tell you your life is done! Live to the fullest, shine! Be every color that you are!
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how, -you don't know what's going to happen, you don't know how you're going to do it, but you are ready. Before you stands a rush of tests, appointments, doctors, and a life you never thought you'd be experiencing. Looking ahead, into the unknown, you take a big breath, you will get through it. How, you don't know, but what you do know is that you are going to win!
Know it all before you try. -Soon enough you're going to be there, soon enough, it will be a part of life. Don't worry about hows or whys, it won't take long. You'll never be "used to it", but you will come to accept it.
It takes you to another place,
imagine everything you can.
All the colors start to blend,
Your system overloads again. -you're not living in the life you knew before. This is a whole new world, and it's not an easy one. It's hard not to think of the fear, and the pain, and to wonder what's going to happen to you. You're having doubts...can you do this? Is it worth the fight?
....Can You feel it?.....
Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over!
Be every color that you are,
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how,
Know it all before you try. -Yes! You can do this! Your hope takes over, and you realize that you may not know what's ahead, but there is always hope. You are going to fight! You are going to win! Be who you are, live out loud! Shine like the stars, let your colors show! This is your life and you're going to live it!!!
Here is a link to a video of the song, with lyrics. Enjoy!
(note- I did NOT make this video, just found it on youtube =) )
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I'm shocked....
This is so inhuman, so sickening...not for the fainthearted--- it will make your life look completely perfect when compared to the lives of these precious, innocent people.
Mentally disabled kids, adults given no hope for recovery, poor treatment
By Ann Curry
updated 7:18 p.m. MT, Fri., Aug. 29, 2008
BELGRADE, Serbia - A generation ago, mentally disabled people were often quietly sent away to bleak government institutions, left to live out their days on the isolated fringes of society
But the scenes you are watching are not from that era, they're playing out now, day after day, halfway across the world.
Children and adults given up by their families. Languishing behind crumbling walls and rusted bars.
Labels: awareness, child abuse, in the news
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Lyrics I wrote
Well I wrote this as lyrics but already forgot the tune. So I'm not sure exactly what it is!
One breath in
One breath out
Another minute going by
One second at a time
Hold on a little bit longer
Even if you don't feel any stronger
...And... repeat......
Whatever it takes to get by
One moment at a time
If you're at the end of your rope,
Hang on...
Hang on!
One more second
Minute, hour, day, week...
One more month, year, decade, century
What ever it takes,
No matter the stakes...
Somethin's gotta give
Things are gonna look up
I don't know when
I don't know how
But things will get better
And this will no longer be now...
Breathe in....
....breathe out....
Labels: encouragement/inspiration, poetry
Friday, November 7, 2008
Please Read this Post!
I think I'm going to lose it.
That is what I haven't already lost!
And I don't mean prednisone weight either!!!
Before you go, "argh! stop complaining if you're not going to say why you're losing it" (it's a pet peeve of mine), let me tell you that I will tell you. (???)
This is the third (possibly fourth) straight day of sun-up to sun-down appointments.
And if you're not convinced that that isn't enough to make someone loose their mind, let me tell you more.
This is the third (possibly fourth) straight day of sun-up to sun-down appointments, of which have been appointments for not one, but three people, at least two a day, except for today.
Still not convinced?
The night before the first appointment I had an (maybe a few?) appointment(s) (I think) that I can't even remember because of being so exhausted. My mom can't remember either. We can't remember anything about that day at all except that night! What I remember is falling asleep in the car, waking up to a screaming father, getting into bed, falling asleep again, and sleeping until midnight, waking up after all my dreams changed to the theme of, "OMGosh my feet are burning! I must find a cold tile floor to put them on, and by a snow cone machine to drive on the highway with three senior citizens, and to stick my feet in, and sneakily hop on trains to a place with even colder tile!" I woke up and needless to say, my feet were burning. My entire body was burning for that matter! My mom was freezing, and to me it felt like I was in an oven. My mom also said I was fanning my feet in my sleep. I didn't get back to sleep, well, until, umm, two days later. Ish. I was fully awake for at least two hours after that. I tossed and turned, half asleep, until 10am.
I was out of vicoden except for one pill. My mom had tried for days to get ahold of the doctor to write a new perscription, but she was out. We later found out she was in some sort of testing.
My mom had called the pharmacy to see if she thought it was vicoden withdrawl. They said they were 99% sure it was. My mom gave me half of the remaining vicoden, and I 3/4 slept until noon until I had to wake up for the appointment at 1:30.
I'm just getting started!
The first (possibly second) day I saw a doctor working as 3+ types of doctors (who is also going through exams to make sure she's still on top of her game (she is)), who was shocked to find out everything that was going on, and prescribed new braces, new doctors, and possibly a new PT center. This alone took 4+ hours, not including waiting. We went down to orthopedics and got a plaster cast of my legs, which took an hour+ (without waiting time), picked out colors & a "brace tatoo" for my new braces, and managed to get out of there after dark... it was freezing, and we had no coats, and myself no socks. My feet were completely gray. We went through the drive through at Carls Jr (as all my mom had had to eat previously was a granola bar, and I had only had breakfast) and had a fantastic meal (IT WAS SOOO GOOD!!)
At home when my mom told my father how excited she was about the new doctors and the treatments they can give me, with this being the conversation that followed:
"Wow, so they found out the insurance would cover it all. That's great".
"No they didn't. The vast majority is 'alternative medicine'. You know they don't cover any of that."
"Well than why would you even bring it up to me? Why is it even considered???"
"Because it could greatly increase Alex's life quality! She could be walking again, among the other benefits!"
"But the insurance won't cover it, so why are you even thinking about it?!"
"This is our daughter! This can help her so much, and Alex is all for it!"
"You know darn well and good we'll find a way!"
*starts stomping of upstairs to "his" room, slams the door*
*says under breath "Like maybe selling one of your timeshares or taking a few less vacations we all hate!"*
The second (third???) day I saw the worst doctor I've ever seen. This gynacologist walked through the door and insulted my mother. She only was worse from there. She was incorrect on MANY things, and didn't go 5 seconds without intentionally insulting, brow-beating, or bullying my mom or I. We later found out they'd been trying to get rid of her but UNM wouldn't fire her without a formal complaint from a patient. So we will be the one to file it. My mom was actually CRYING by the time we left, and she NEVER cries. She was that HORRIBLE that my mom started watering up and I didn't talk the entire time because I was so AFFRAID and INTIMIDATED by this ROYAL B**** (pardon my french...I am just so upset about now!)!!! We then went to my mom's appointment, only to find they would not take our insurance either (so far they've taken none of our doctors), so after waiting, crying & praying, we left, with no more answers than before, except that because of one selfish cuss word in MI (with motives 100% selfish, who KNEW how sick I was & that my mom was disabled) we are basically without insurance and have had our lives completely turned upside-down and are going through hell trying to figure this out. Not to mention my dad's way of being supportive and helping get through this is screaming at us non-stop (no exageration) about things that are totally HIS FAULT or at least mostly!
Day 3 (maybe 4)- Wake up, get Sam to school, pick up Grandma Lois, and head to my grandma's appointment (at a hospital we're unfamiliar with). It was non-stop chaos all day, but we got through it (and with flying colors all things considered). Just not being at home being screamed at and being in new surroundings (though unfamiliar and confusing) was enough to keep us happy and intertained. Of course it exhausted us all, but it was actually sort of "adventure". Hopefully the mysterious mass in my grandmother's lung is neither a clot nor tumor, but rather just scar tissue that's formed for some odd reason. For whatever reason she is now requiring oxygen 24/7 instead of just at night.
Grandma is my mom's, my brother's, and my rock. She holds the family together and always lends a helping hand and an ear. We would all be lost without her, and, well... she just can't die right now! She can't!!! We need her and we're so affraid! She doesn't want to die either! She wants to stay and help us, and we need her help! God, please heal my grandma! Please, God, let her live a little while longer! Please...please!
Okay, I'm pulling myself together....
We haven't got to do any school this week, which makes us even more behind. If we can't get everything done and in VERY VERY soon, this entire semester won't count and I'll probably end up held back AGAIN. We don't know what to! I can't be in public school, and we can't keep up with this home school program, and I can't be held back again! I'm so overwhelmed and so upset! WHAT DO I DO???
Okay, I'm going to stop now...I'm totally loosing it...
Please pray for me and my family. Please tell your friends & family to pray for my family. Please put us on your church prayer list if you have one as well. We don't know what to do and we're just so scared. Words can't even describe. We need a huge, amazing, miraculous, devine intervention to get through. I'm so, so scared...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie
"Bye-bye, 'miss American pie'"
Drove my Chevy to the levee
But the levee was dry.
Them good 'ole boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye,
Singin', "This'll be the day that I die
"This'll be the day that I die"
This is the first song that came to my head after hearing the results of the election. Interpret it how you want, but to me, well,
Good night. I'm pretty numb, and pretty scared...VERY scared. I don't really know what to think right now, and I don't think I want to. These next few days... months... years... I'm just trying to cling to God and pray, and have faith. I think it may be harder than ever, or I guess, possibly it could be just the opposite because right now...there's just nothing else I can do.
Please, please, whatever your political standpoint,
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Why can't we be friends?
Sometimes I find it hard to talk to people about my ideals, the person I want to be, and how I plan on raising my children when I grow up with my family, friends, and yes, the internet. The main reason is because I don't want people thinking I look down on them because they don't agree with what I'm saying.
I am a Christian, and radically conservative at times in how I want to live my life, and want to raise my children when I have them. But just because of that, it doesn't mean I look down on those who don't feel the same. Just because I choose abstinence until I marry my prince charming doesn't mean I am judgmental to those who didn't or won't do the same. They're people, too. They may not agree with everything I say, think, or do, and they may have made some choices they shouldn't have made or regret making, but they did. It's done. It's over with. It's the is today!
I don't plan on my kids watching much television, and what they do watch, I plan on choosing and watching with them. My little brother disagrees. Do I still love him? Of course I do! I would do anything and everything for him, whether his kids will someday watch TV or not!
I don't want to sheild my kids from the world, but I want them to understand that they don't have to be the world. It's okay, and a good thing, to not have sex until they're married. It's okay, and a good thing, not to "swear like a sailor". It's okay, and a good thing, to pray, to respect your elders, to love one another, to read the bible, and to go to church.
But does that mean I think someone's a bad person if their kids watch TV, if they "swear like a sailor", if they have sex before they're married, if they don't go to church? Would I dis-own my children if they did those things? No!
I don't consider myself "high and mighty", or above others. But at the same time, I want to be able to share the person I want to be. I want to be able to encourage others to want to be like who I want to be, but I respect that if you don't. And I want people to know not to let those things stop you from getting to know people
Debating isn't a bad thing! It's perfectly fine to disagree! I know many people who I have "agreed to disagree" with. But please, don't make others feel like an outcast because they have different views than you. Please, let's just all be friends, okay?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?...."
Labels: encouragement/inspiration
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Even on halloween he's a McCainiac (seriously, too funny!)
No disrespect to those with other opinions....I just had to share this for those who do share the same!
Sam and my father walk up to neighbor (who is also an "Obamanos")
Dad: Wait, Sam!
Sam: What???
Dad: This is an Obama voter! Be careful! He'll take your candy and give it to the kids who didn't come trick-or-treating! He's going to "spread the candy around!"
Sam: Huh? That's not even funny, dad!
Dad: Yes, son, it's not funny! That's the point!
Yes, even on halloween my dad is a McCainiac!!!
Labels: Fun Stuff