I doubt anyone will read this, being I just created this site, and that I haven't told anyone about this page yet, but I feel the need to post a few blogs I've posted recently on a few other sites. Bear with me if I bore you to death...someone, somewhere might find my life interesting though, so post I will!
September 4th, 2008
I do many types of computer graphics and image enhancements for ill children I've come across. It is a joy to be able to take precious memories and give them a physical treasure to cherish. They certainly deserve something as simple as a bit of my time, do they not?
So often I come across times where I must pick one picture to use in something. I find myself saying, "which picture captures their beauty?"
Though I can help pictures along, and help the inner beauty shine, but to capture what these children are...who they are...their spirit...their joy! How can anyone capture the wonder in their eyes? The joy they bring! The spirit within them telling them that it hurts, but God will make it okay...don't give up just yet!
Yes, they cry. They may try to kick their nurses. They may need to be bribed into taking their yucky medications at times. But you know what? When they are in the ICU, passed out, and by all science should be dead, you cannot deny they have a beautiful spirit with a will to live...to hold on...just a little longer...not ready to go just yet...
No matter how hard you try, what camera you use, or how much your photo editing program cost, it is impossible to capture the spirit of a warrior child.
Some children don't have an illness, but have this spirit...this amazing spirit, where you know every second that they are heaven sent. Like SBS angel MeKenna. The look in her eyes, her spirit, her wonder. Yes, I enhanced her photos, and made them more "vibrant". But you know what? Anyone who saw her, or knew her, knew she was special.
I love making memories into physical treasures, but one thing I will never be able to do, is capture their true beauty. These kids are my inspiration. And I challenge you...just look into their eyes. Can you dare say cures need not be found?
September 5th, 2008
Now. Today. Be a part of stopping it
We need to make more people aware of more missing children, more causes, more diseases... these children are our future, are they not? Come on people...forget all the celebrities and LISTEN, LEARN, and SPEAK OUT!!!Please people...for Caylee, for Emily (missing), for MeKenna (SBS angel), for Kelsey (child abuse angel), for Talia (cancer angel), for Madison (CF fighter), for Eden (cancer fighter), for Austin (cancer survivor & CP fighter) for Mia (meningitis encephalitis survivor, seizure & temporal lobe warrior).
For Mila, for Kayla, for Destiny, for Hannah, for Jamie, for Brittany, for Mary, for Ariel, for Ian, for Isaac, for Isabella, for Avery, for Katie, for Diana, for Lily, for Ayla, for Chelsea, for Gavin, for Will, for Sasha, for Tyson, for Paytlee, for Emma, for Naythan, for Cloe, for Kasey, for Emma-leigh, for Hannah, for Kaeden, for September, for Avaiah, for Bethy, for Boey, for Landan, Landon, Briannon, Brooke, Kaylie, Melanie, Angelina, Riley, Camryn, Taylor, and for ALL the children who have went missing, who have been killed, who have been abused, who have been neglected, who have fought a disease or a syndrom, who have died from one. Aren't they worth it? I sure think they are!
Get the word out. Stop letting our kids die. Stop letting them suffer. Stop letting killers and psychos take our kids. Now. Today. Be a part of stopping it!
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